Wildfires are not only dangerous to the health of humans and animals, but also our plants. Plants’ ability to absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen is impacted if their pores become clogged by extended exposure to heavy smoke.

Additionally, when ash settles from nearby wildfires, it can destroy chlorophyll, ultimately interfering with photosynthesis and the overall health of plants.

In this article from CSU Extension, horticulture specialists share some practical advice on safely removing ash so your garden and landscape can thrive.

Quick Facts

  • Move plants inside if possible.
  • Plants can withstand a bit of dirt and dust sitting on their leaves, but once the ash fall gets slightly thicker, it can interfere with photosynthesis.
  • If you can’t use water in your vegetable and perennial beds, you could try fanning the plant vigorously.
  • Do not use a leaf blower on your plants. It will push the ash back into the air and increased your chance of breathing it in.