Disaster Planning for Pet Owners


During an emergency, animals depend on us to help keep them safe. Make sure your safety plan and emergency kit includes provisions for your pets and animals. Here are some additional tips:

  1. Ensure your pets are wearing up-to-date ID tags with your cell phone number.
  2. Make a pet disaster kit that includes food and water, medication, boxes or bags to collect waste, leashes, current photos in the event of a lost pet, and more.
  3. Take your pet if you evacuate. Do not wait for a mandatory evacuation order.
  4. If you stay home, do it safely by establishing a safe room, bringing pets indoors, and removing dangerous items.
  5. After a disaster, be patient with your pets as they adjust and do not let them roam free.

Saving Pets, Saving People is a video documentary featuring residents of two Colorado counties who participated in the development of their communities’ animal disaster response plan. They explain why it’s important and how to get started.